Little Boy
Tim Thompson with Ric McQueen
Skeleton Dead
Tim Thompson with Ric McQueen
Demon Doll with music by the inappropriate conversations
Tim Thompson with Ric McQueen
Tim Thompson is a REDinc. Studio artist
REDinc. Art Studio is a supported art studio based in the Northern Rivers region, providing inclusive spaces for artists with a disability to develop artworks, experiment and build their art practices within a vibrant studio environment and support from professional artists and arts workers.
Throughout 2019 artists have collaborated together and with various guest artists and studio facilitators including painter René Bolten, printmaker Michael White, ceramicists Cynthia Manietta and Beki Davies, multi-dimensional artist Joanna Kambourian, graphic designer/illustrator Rose Wadsworth, Ric McQueen, and artist Kellie O'Dempsey.