Hedda Hammer-Morrison: The Box -1933-1946 presented by The Trailer Project & curated by Pierre Chevalier
Hedda Hammer-Morrison: The Box 1933 - 1946
presented by The Trailer Project & Pierre Chevalier
Curated by Pierre Chevalier - The Trailer Project
Partners: Byron Writers Festival, Byron School of Art, Lone Goat Gallery
One Night Only
Opening 6 - 8PM Friday July 28 2017
A special one-night only mobile exhibition, as part of the Image Unbound: Artists' Book Exhibition curated by Byron School of Art in partnership with Byron Writers Festival 2017 and Lone Goat Gallery.
The Trailer Project is a mobile art space devoted to encouraging all disciplines. Created by Pierre Chevalier, The Trailer Project creates an enclosed space that offers intimacy and allows artists to curate unique exhibitions.
Lone Goat Gallery invites you to the opening of Hedda Hammer Morrison: The Box 1933 - 1946 presented by The Trailer Project & curated by Pierre Chevalier 6 - 8PM Friday July 28 2017
The Blue Lotus
The Box 1933-1946 contains 30 prints by Hedda Hammer Morrison made in the 30s. They include landscape views, architecture, portraits, street views, and images of street activity such as street barbers, magicians, gamblers and the like. An old China is recreated with this work, which has more to do with Tintin’s adventures in China told by Hergé in The Blue Lotus than with anything left today.
Hedda Hammer Morrison
Born Hedda Hammer in Stuttgart, 13 December 1908, she studied at the State Institute for Photography (Bäyerische Staatslehranstalt für Lichtbildwesen) in Munich. Not finding the political or economic situation in Germany to her liking, in 1933 she took up a position at Hartung's, a German-owned commercial photographic studio in the old Legation Quarter of the city then known as Peiping. During her time in Beijing she took many photographs of the old city and its people, temples and markets, mostly using a Rolleiflex medium-format camera.
In 1940 she met Alastair Morrison, son of the famous George Ernest Morrison, the influential London Times correspondent in Peking. They married in 1946 and left China shortly afterwards, first for Hong Kong and then to Sarawak, where Alastair became a government district officer. During her 20-year stay in Sarawak, Hedda accompanied her husband on official journeys and also made numerous independent photographic tours. She wrote two major books on Sarawak, Sarawak (1957) and Life in a Longhouse (1962).
In 1967 the Morrisons settled in Canberra, Australia. Hedda died in Canberra in 1991, at the age of 82.
Exhibitions of her works have been mounted by the Australian National University, Canberra, the Canberra Photographic Society, the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, and the National Library of Australia. Many of her images are archived in the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University and at Cornell University, NY. There is a large collection of her German, Asian and Australian work in the Powerhouse Museum.
Source: Wikipedia. 2017.