Jeremy Hawkes
Image: Channel 10 - The Project
Artist Jeremy Hawkes story has been featured on channel Ten's The Project, talking about Australians living with disabilities, and difficulties with the NDIS scheme.
I suffered a terrible injury to my spine and have been unable to continue this art practice since. The irony! A number of treatments and operations later, and I have a partially paralyzed right arm (Murphy's law dictates that I am of course right handed) and constant pain. A further diagnosis a few years later was neurological in nature – some form of movement disorder which is described as 'Parkinsonian' if not confirmed as Parkinson's disease. Art ceased for a few years, or became at best therapy and at worst, ugly catharsis.
Channel Ten's The Project talked to Jeremy about his experince dealing with the NDIS.
"The NDIS promised to help many Australians living with disabilities. But Jeremy Hawkes who lent his face to the scheme has found they aren’t too keen on returning favours..."