Club Lane Multitask and REDinc. Art Studio have partnered to develop a collaborative exhibition featuring guest artists and facilitators.
REDinc. Art Studio & Club Lane Multitask are both supported art studios based in the Northern Rivers region, providing inclusive spaces for artists with a disability to develop artworks, experiment and build their art practices within a vibrant studio environment and support from professional artists and arts workers.
Each studio has a diverse array of artists working in a number of different art forms. The Collab exhibition showcases the works of emerging artists with a disability from the Northern Rivers region and includes painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, jewellery, photography, and multimedia.
Artists from both studios began collaborating in 2019 through REDinc.’s Creative Revival
Project, funded by the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal, and initiated with REDinc. Art Studio inviting Club Lane artists to participate in weaving workshops with visiting artist Jillian Bowles.
Throughout 2019 artists from the two studios have collaborated together and with various guest artists and studio facilitators including painter René Bolten, printmaker Michael White, ceramicists Cynthia Manietta and Beki Davies, multi-dimensional artist Joanna Kambourian, graphic designer/illustrator Rose Wadsworth, and artist Kellie O'Dempsey.
REDinc. Artists
Alison Rose, Amy Serone, Bec King, Chloe Jenkins, Em Nobbs, Jack Rutter, Jacob Staff, Jennifer Lowrey, John Rose, Justine Rose, Katie Price, Leanne Rose, Lee Spykers, Lindy Ellis, Lucas Wright, Madeleine Webster, Mbatha Nguta, Mikayla Boissevain, Naikia Taylor, Nathan Gooley, Nikola Coby, Rachel Moss, Shirley Gibson, Susan Andrews, Theo MacPherson, Theresa Graham, Tiffany Hilder, Tim Thompson, Willie Mutton, Zoe Colcheedas.
Club Lane Multitask Artists
Alice Bartlett, Alicia Skimmings, Carla McLean, Dan Twomey, Jaimee Scott, Jazz Hubbard, Justin Byrne, Leonie Claydon, Michelle Phillips, Nathaniel Harvey, On Khemkhun, Sachin Moncrieff, Steven 'Universe' West.