Hannah Cutts
Buoys Will Be Buoys
Neon, plywood, vintage lobster buoys
175 cm h x 200cm
Buoys will be Buoys by Hannah Cutts is an exhibition that brings together many elements of art, craft, typography, satire and the found object.
Many of the works are neon and Hannah works alongside neon sign artisan Michael Blazek. This marks the fifth exhibition over a decade that Hannah and Michael have joined forces to create artworks of neon light.
This process starts with Hannah’s response to found objects and hand painted signage. Hannah then reconfigures the emotional connection of the typography and colour in each object so that alternate meanings are conveyed. Hannah’s interest in art and design mend together during this process. Her work will then lead the direction for traditionally trained neon glass blower, Michael Blazek, to bend the neon pipe and capture the glowing beauty.
Their work has been shown both Nationally and Internationally and is included in Artbank’s collection.
The exhibition also features works that have been created using letterpress thanks to Clint Harvey, the letterpress wizard at the Bacon Factory in Brisbane. Works have been created using many found objects such as vintage linoleum, fishing floats, surfboard fins and more.
What we have left is nothing short of a modern nostalgic trip and glowing sensory experience with a dab of fun.