Emily Imeson

Experienced Landscapes

July 7 - 26 2017

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson
Experienced Landscapes
Installation View

Emily Imeson's exhibition Experienced Landscapes is the result of a painting led inquiry that investigates the diversity of environments around regional NSW, and involved journeying to Tenterfield, Tamworth, Hill End, Bathurst, and Nymboida.

Emily is the recipient of an Arts NSW Young Regional Artist Scholarship, enabling her to explore regional NSW landscapes and connect with established artists and art foundations. Experienced Landscapes presents the current stage of Emily’s ongoing investigation. Emily will continue her research and travels throughout NSW until mid-2018.

Emily has grown up in and around regional areas of NSW. From rural Orange, Emily moved to Tamworth for primary school, and began high school in Lismore, Northern NSW.

Growing up in regional NSW I have developed a deep appreciation for Australia’s ‘great outdoors’ and am intrigued by nature. I am determined to mature these values into a comprehensive understanding of the natural world, articulated with brush marks and colours.

Utilising both en plein air painting techniques and studio work, Emily’s arts practice documents her experience of being in the world.

Methods of embodiment, observations, and documentation, have created endless inspiration and guide new ways to re-connect with the land. Spending time in one place allows a truth to reveal itself; textures, colours, flora, and fauna are uncovered. Understanding these elements in multiple landscapes has allowed me to create and share a contemporary archive of regional NSW."

"The project aims to develop images that push beyond the desire to create a visual sameness, encouraging a confidence to trust idiosyncratic mark making. I recreate and redefine the landscape as perceived by engagement.

"These paintings search to describe Australian geographical identities, and the constant changes of nature; moving away from the representational, heading towards an embodied form of art making”.

Emily Imeson. 2017

This project is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW. Emily is the recipient of an Arts NSW Young Regional Artist Scholarship.