Lone Goat Gallery to recieve $106,946 in NSW Government funding, announced today by Nationals Parliamentary Secretary for Northern NSW Ben Franklin.
Create NSW Fellow Jeremy Hawkes brings his art practice to life during a residency in Berlin.
Jeremy Hawkes latest body of work undertaken during a 4-month residency at the Berlin Art Institute.
Lone Goat Gallery to recieve $106,946 in NSW Government funding, announced today by Nationals Parliamentary Secretary for Northern NSW Ben Franklin.
Jeremy has exhibited extensively in Australia and overseas, most recently at the Lone Goat Gallery in Byron Bay and as part of the Epicormia Collective.
Artist Jeremy Hawkes story featured on channel Ten's The Project, talking about living with disabilities and the NDIS scheme.
Jeremy Hawkes the suject of a short documentary film, The Ghost in the Machine, produced in collaboration with film makers HW Collective.